Globally every year on the 4th of February, the whole world, researchers and key leaders in the Cancer care community unite and celebrate World Cancer Day by raising awareness & education regarding cancer, its interference, detection, and treatment. With many determined missions were undertaken by the researchers around the world, interference, and cure for each cancer stay cryptic nevertheless doable. We have an objective to perceive that it’s improbably tough for patients to seek out and fight cancer. Information regarding cancer on the net is simply too scientific and not unjust for all. In a trial to bridge this gap, I’ll be informing the latest updates on cancer, its interference, detection, and cure.
What is cancer and why does it grow?
All the type of cancers begins in our cells. The human body are made up of trillions of cells grouped together to form tissues and organs like muscles, bones, the lungs and also the liver. Genes within every cell direct it to grow, work, divide and die. Usually, cells follow these directions and that keeps us healthy. But at times the directions get to mess up, inflicting our cells to grow and divide abnormally or not die after they ought to. As a result, lots of those abnormal cells grow and divide and they form a lump within the body known as a tumor. Sometimes it could be genetic or triggered by physical factors (hormones or inflammation, for example), or perhaps environmental influences like harmful chemicals.

As the tumor gets larger, it starts to spread to close tissues and structures by pushing on normal tissue beside the tumor. Cancer cells release enzymes that break down normal cells and tissues as they grow. Cancer that grows into near tissue is termed as local invasion or invasive cancer.
What is cancer screening?
Cancer screening tests aim to seek out cancer early before it causes symptoms and once it should be easier to treat with success. Early detection of Cancer or any abnormal tissue can facilitate early treatment before cancer could grow and unfold. However, one should bear in mind that just obtaining a screening check doesn’t strongly mean that someone is suspected to possess cancer. Cancer screening provides a wide-awake to receive best-in-class care in preventing and treating cancer.

There are various techniques of Cancer Screening depend upon the Cancer types:
Some tests facilitate specific kinds of cancer before signs or symptoms seem. This is known as screening. The motive behind cancer screening is to:
a) Reduce the number of individuals die from the illness, or prevent deaths from cancer altogether.
b) Reduce the number of people who suffer from cancer.
Each Cancer type has its individual screening test:
Breast Cancer:
Mammography: It is the diagnostic procedure of x-ray specifically designed to look at the breast. The photographs produced by diagnostic procedure will show tumors or irregularities within the breast. These pictures are referred to as mammograms.

Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): A breast tomography uses magnets and radio waves to require footage of the breast. MRI is used together with mammograms to screen ladies are at high risk for having Cancer. As a result of breast MRIs may seem abnormal even once there’s no cancer; they’re not used for the one at average risk.
Clinical breast examination: A medical skilled person checks up and feels for any changes within the breast’s size or form. The examiner conjointly checks up for changes in the skin of the breasts and nipples.
Breast self Examination: Being familiar with your breasts look and how it feels when touched, will facilitate you to notice symptoms like lumps, pain, or changes in size which will be of concern. These may embrace changes found throughout a breast self-exam. You should report any changes that you just notice to your doctor immediately.

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that happens within the cells of the cervix — the lower a part of the womb that connects to the vagina. Various strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, and cause in develop the most cervical cancer.

Following are the screening methods for Cervical Cancer:

PAP Tests:
A Pap test, also known as Pap smear, is an exam a doctor uses to test for cervical cancer in women. It is not a painful process, just you may feel a little pinch or a bit pressure in your uterus. It takes around 10 to 20 minutes. Doctor will take some sample cells from the cervix to diagnose it.
DNA Testing for HPV is newest screening technique. Studies show it’s simpler at early detection than a standard PAP test, because it is more correct and find cell abnormalities earlier on.

Vaccination is less expensive screening process and treatment. Although vaccines are effective in the prevention of persistent HPV infection but it can be given to those women who have not had intercourse.
Mouth cancer occurs in any part of the mouth like, lips, gums, tongue, under the tongue, etc. Generally, it develops because of smoking or chewing tobacco regularly.
There is no single oral exam or oral cancer screening test is proven to reduce the risk of oral cancer. Still, your dentist may decide that an oral exam or a special test is right for you based on your risk factors.

Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins within the bowel (colon). The colon is a part of the epithelial duct. Colon cancer usually affects adults, although it can happen at any age. It always begins as little, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells referred to as polyps in the colon. Over time a number of these polyps will become colon cancers.
If colon cancer develops, several treatments are accessible to control it, including surgery, radiation therapy and drug treatments, such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.
Ovarian cancer develops in ovaries as the name suggests. When the cells in the female reproductive system start growing abnormally and produce lump around there is a risk of getting Ovarian Cancer.
There are so many Screening methods available to confirm one is suffering from Ovarian cancer or not. some of these are Blood tests, Imaging tests, Laparoscopy, Colonoscopy, Biopsy, etc.
Treatment for ovarian cancer consists of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or targeted therapy. At times more than one treatment is required to cure cancer.

Prostate cancer is cancer that happens in the prostate — a tiny walnut-shaped gland in men that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and carries sperms. Prostate cancer is very common cancer type which has been seen in men. It develops very slowly without getting any changes in the body. This cancer type cause no signs or symptoms in its initial stage.
But if it reaches to advanced level you may symptoms like Trouble urinating, blood in semen, Bone pain, discomfort in the pelvic area etc.
The diagnosing of Prostate Cancer is ultimately predicated on the pathologist’s review of tissue removed at the time of the prostate diagnostic assay.
Digital rectal examination (DRE): Doctors use the digital rectal exam (DRE) as a comparatively easy test to test the prostate. Your doctor cannot have a look at it directly. As a result of the prostate lies ahead of the body part, he or she will feel it by inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into the body part.
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test: The PSA test can indicate an increased likelihood of prostate cancer if the PSA is at an increased or elevated level or has changed significantly over time, but it does not provide a definitive diagnosis. Prostate cancer can be found in patients with a low PSA level, but this occurs less than 20% of the time.
Lung cancer estimates for around 1 in 5 cancer deaths globally. Smoking tobacco, in any form, is a major risk factor for lung cancer. Passive smokers are also at risk. Avoiding tobacco smoke at any age significantly lowers the risk. Other risk factors include air pollution and asbestos (if working in an associated industry).

Test to diagnose Lung Cancer
Imaging tests: An X-ray image of lungs reveals an abnormal mass or nodule. A CT scan will reveal tiny lesions in your lungs which may not be detected on an X-ray.
Sputum cytology: If you have a cough and are producing sputum, looking at the sputum under the microscope may sometimes reveal the chances of getting lung cancer cells.
Tissue sample (biopsy): A sample of abnormal cells may be removed in a process termed as biopsy.