
“Nothing comes close to such live inspiration and motivation.

Some patients are blessed as they get treated with best doctors. Some doctors are also blessed as they treat some best patients. And I am one of them.

Indeed, I am fortunate to treat Dr. Shyam Sunder Prasad. The legend in Ophthalmology, a global stalwart of Modern Indian Oculoplasty surgery and most importantly a wonderful human being. “

I was talking in the grand book launch of

“ Tryst with Destiny “

written by Dr. S S Prasad about his professional and personal journey when he became a victim of cancer at the height of his fame.

The thought process is totally different when a senior, exemplary medical practitioner becomes a patient especially a dreaded disease like cancer.

He has penned down his thoughts, feelings and actions during his cancer treatment which he says, “ A path of intense healing, self discovery and bouncing back to life with resilience.”

Each page is filled with fragrance of

Unflinching Faith,

Stead-fast Trust,

Staunch Self-belief,

Limitless Courage and

Never ending Hope.

The book is full of positive emotions which really touches our mind and kindle our soul.

It’s a must book in our book self not only for cancer survivors, not only for doctors but for everyone.

I feel like the chosen one to be associated with him during his cancer treatment since Dec 2010 and who emerged as the victorious survivor with a deep meaning and purpose to life.

In gratitude always…

Dr Sachin Marda

Human beings have been uniquely gifted in many ways and one of them is to speak. Indeed Voice box (Larynx) is one of the divine gift we are blessed with. To interact by speech is most innate, simple, quick and effective way of communication. Air becomes breath when it travels through larynx during our respiration. And when somebody gets diagnosed with voice box (laryngeal) cancer, the speech is lost and he had breathing difficulty. We operated upon this gentleman 2 years back with total laryngectomy (complete removal of voice box) and inserted artificial Provox Prosthesis for his speech rehabilitation. And today, its nothing short of a miracle, he is not only victorious cancer survivor but also able to speak fluently as you and me without larynx. I thank you all our team at Yashoda Hospital. Once again it has proved that Self Belief of “I can”,Unflinching Faith on Him and Steadfast Trust on the Doctors can create wonders !
Please listen our National Anthem Jana Gana Mana from the rare and unique voice of post laryngectomy patriotic cancer survivor with artificial voice box.
Its inspirational !!!
In gratitude always…
Awarded for Excellence in Oncology
For outstanding contribution in clinical practice, research and cancer control.
Heartfelt thanks to Vijayadevi Foundation.
This recognition will motivates us to go an extra mile to prevent, treat and beat cancer.
In gratitude, always…

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