Risk Factors of Cancer:
Risk can increase the chance of developing a disease. In most cases doctors do explain the reasons for the disease and some don’t. Researchers have found specific reasons that raise the chances of a person developing particular types of cancers.
The risk factors of cancer can be divided into four types:
Behavioral risk factors:
These are the risk factors that people tend to do such as smoking, drinking alcohol, eating unhealthy foods, being overweight and not doing enough workouts.
Environmental risk factors:
These include environmental aspects around
you such as such as UV radiation, smoke, pollution, pesticides and other toxins.
Biological risk factors:
The physical characteristics such as gender, race or ethnicity, age and skin complexion.
Hereditary risk factors:
These relate to specific mutated genes inherited from your parents. The person develops cancer when one inherits these mutated genes.
Most of the times behavioral and environmental cancer risk factors can be avoided. Biological and hereditary risk factors are unavoidable, however, it’s important to know about them so that you can discuss them with your doctor and get checked for cancer, if required.
Risk factors that exist for different Cancer types:
1) Breast Cancer
Age – most cases occur in women aged 50 or above. Family history of breast or ovarian cancer before menopause
A typical hyperplasia:
- First period before the age of 12 (Early menarche)
- Menopause after the age of 55 (Late menopause)
- Never been pregnant or had the first child after the age of 30
- Avoiding to Breast feed
- Obesity or weight gain after menopause
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Inherited mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes
Suspected risk factors include:
- High-fat diet
- Physical inactivity
- High Alcohol Consumption
- Oral contraceptives
2) Cervical Cancer
- First intercourse at an early age
- Multiple sex partners (either of the woman or her partner)
- Cigarette smoking
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection
- HIV infection
- Weakened immune system due to organ transplant, chemotherapy or chronic steroid use
3) Colorectal Cancer
- Personal or family history of colorectal cancer or polyps
- Personal history of inflammatory bowel disease
- Diet high in fat
- Diet low in fiber, fruits and vegetables
- Physical inactivity
- Cigarette smoking
- Alcohol consumption
- Obesity
4) Endometrial Cancer (also called Uterine Cancer)
- Increased estrogen exposure
- First period before age 12
- Menopause after age 55
- Hormonal therapy without the use of progestin
- Never been pregnant
- History of infertility
- Obesity
- Use of tamoxifen
5) Lung Cancer
- Cigarette, bidi smoking
- Personal or family history of lung cancer
- Exposure to Air pollution
- Second-hand smoke
- Recurring exposure to:
- Radon or asbestos (especially for smokers)
- Radiation
- Arsenic
6) Ovarian Cancer
- Family history of ovarian (mother, daughter, sister, grandmother, or aunt)
- Inherited mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes
- Never being pregnant
- Suspected risk factors include:
- Fertility drugs
- Exposure to talcum powder
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Obesity
7) Prostate Cancer
- Family history of prostate cancer (especially father, brother, or son)
- Diet high in saturated fat and low in fruits and vegetables
8) Oral cancer
- Tobacco consumption
- Cigarette, bidi smoking
- Betel nut, Pan consumption
- Poor dental hygiene
- Sharp teeth
9) Skin Cancer
- Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds
- Fair complexion
- Family history, especially of melanoma
- Living in a sunny climate
- Abusing our body by eating excessively leads to the risk factor for cancer.
Checkout the Cancers associated with Dietary Factors
1-Oral Cavity, Pharynx
Alcohol, tobacco smoking, betel nut, gutka
Opium, alcohol, tobacco, bracken fern, low intake of fruits and vegetable
3 -Stomach
Pickles and salted foods, red chillies, grilled, smoked and fried foods, foods rich in starch with very little fresh fruits and vegetables, alcoholic drinks, preserved. Foods with Nitrogen addition
4 Colon and Rectal-
Refined carbohydrates, low fiber, low green and yellow vegetables, high meat intake.
5- Nasopharyngeal
Salted fish
6- Larynx
Tobacco, alcohol
7- Lung
Tobacco, low intake of greens and yellow vegetables
8- Bladder
Industrial chemicals, artificial sweeteners, coffee
9- Prostrate, breast, cervical
Low intake of green and yellow vegetables
Tobacco, coffee and meat
Mycotoxins (fungal infection of foods)
Low intake of fruits and vegetables.
When seeking cancer care treatment, patients have a lot to learn and consider. It is obvious to feel overwhelmed and a bit confused. What’s more important is to talk to your doctor about various treatment options, and clinical trials that will help return to feeling good and a better health.